Alex presented the flyer to me asking “have you heard of her?” I hadn’t, and the Her she was referring to was Lisetta Carmi. We already had plans to visit the gardens on the Sunday of our stay, so agreed we would visit the exhibition if we had time. By luck that was the first Sunday of the month, which is when the gardens, and many other cultural venues across the city allow free entry. Good work Florence!
Another year in pictures, and other stories.
That snuck up fast. I’m going go reset my intentions to include monthly blog-posts again starting January 2024. That last quarter of the year went in a flash.
It was a tough one wasn’t it? I am sure some of you have had worries on an individual level, but to me it felt like their was/ is a collective sense of malaise in the country, and there are so many reasons why.
When our son was younger, and having a moan about something (or more likely, having a moan about having to do something) his Dad and I used to band about the response “nobody said life would be easy”. Our lives were certainly easier than many, and the same can be said now, when so many are suffering at the hands of others. I wish this was an easy issue to resolve, but here we are in the throes of human existence, and it doesn’t seem those history books change all that much over the years. This is precisely why it is so important to recognise those special moments, to remind ourselves daily for that which we are grateful. If we take on all the suffering of the world, we would never manage to even open our eyes. This is not a sermon, but a gentle reminder, that amongst all that seems wrong with the world, there is always it’s opposition, offering a glimmer of hope and a future to set goals for.
I follow several inspirational people on Instagram, some of whom are sports-people. Owen Barrow is one of those people, and although he seemed very fit anyway, running was new to him this year. I met him by chance when he had just completed his first half Marathon in April. Since then he has been incredibly dedicated, and has discovered the joy of running (something I have tried to explain to non-believers from time to time!) He has run multiple half marathons, started a very busy running club, and completed his first marathon a couple of months ago. His level of discipline puts mine to shame, but I like to watch people progress, and I am in awe of those who really go in 100 percent. **UPDATE I am feeling good in one way though, as I just did a bit of fact-checking to be sure my words are true, and I see that my half marathon came in a fair bit faster than his first, so I can bask in the theory that I would up there with the high achievers if I trained a lot more! They say you should believe in yourself, right?
With that in mind here’s some of the things I did, and achieved in 2023:
Participated in two group photography shows before the end of February
Ran a half marathon
Put my long-term project 4 x 4 x 4 up for scrutiny at Photo Scratch. The event was held at Fixation in South London.
Took the Fun Bus to Brighton to celebrate turning fifty (if you know, you know).
Visited Florence with a friend, and Mallorca with my Mum. The sun shone on us all.
Held my second ever solo show Getting To Know You, and created an accompanying publication under great time constraints!
Getting To Know You: The planning
Getting To Know You: The execution.
Image by Sandra Roberts.
Other things I did:
Surprised myself
Maintained a full-time job
Remained single
There are other things I intended to do, and those I had hoped for, but one can only do so much, and now I have written it down in a way I wasn’t intending, I see that I kept myself busy as usual! So now all I need to do is make plans to make 2024 an exceptional year. I have already started!
Words to live by! Another intention, and a Banner I made this year at Marcus Orlandi’s banner-making workshop to conincide with Thamesmead Festival.
Some of my fellow artists at Lakeside have initiated an online shop for some of our works. This will grow over time, but if you are looking for a unique gift, check it out now or later!
Look out for the Performance Delivery To Your Home! Sonia Roshal approached me to collaborate with her on this unique concept of having a takeaway delivered by us, whereupon Sonia will create a spontaneous site-specific performance. I will document the event, and send some images to the participants as a memory of a delivery that is literally one-of-a-kind. If you have any Bohemian friends with cash to flash, then this could add some flavour to their takeaway!
Please let me know anything you have achieved or had fun doing this year, and what’s in store for the year ahead. Whatever it is, be kind to yourself, and keep chipping away!
Go forth, and hold on to the good bits (not those!).
Much love
Amanda x