Shutter Hub Open

New Year, New Me!

What a title! I don’t think I’ve ever said that before, but 2025 has started with a bang, and I am on a mission!

I am currently participating in a three month self-development programme called EXPANSION. It’s run by WORK SHOW GROW which is an online art school, spear-headed by Natasha Caruana. The programme is aimed at artists/ photographers who want to get to the core of a particular project or practice and to take that work to the next level. I would never describe myself as a shirker, but taking the time to get under the skin of how I work, what I want for my practice and applying sustainable methods to build it is really hard work! I would urge anyone who has ambition to keep pushing yourself, as through the pain comes insights, and hopefully a breakthrough. I have already learned a lot, but I have the feeling that there is much more work to be done!

Regular readers will recall me saying that I had come up with a new name for my long-term project, which had the working title of 4 x 4 x 4. The project has moved on massively since my first outings, and the new title All Things Considered speaks directly to much of my thinking around the work, and it’s intention. Shooting in a square format was deliberate, as I find square images require the viewer to confront what they are seeing head-on. The images are gentle and honest, collectively presenting a picture of our society through our day-to-day interactions and sightings. My hope for the work is that people will stop to look, and to consider the world around them more.

Recently I have spent considerable time with the work, editing and re-editing from a mass of images, and testing out different configurations. I have made some tentative steps around how to get this work published as a book, though I still have to work out who to approach, and how. This will be my next quest.

A summery late afternoon scene from Brockwell Park, part of All Things Considered

I have started to put together some mock-up books, and I will be taking one of these to a couple of Book and Zine fairs in March. I will also take along a new zine that’s currently in the making, as well as some existing merchandise! Please come and say hello if you happen to be in Cambridge on 1st March or near Brixton on the 23rd, Further details are below.

Photofusion & LIP present

Sunday 23rd March 1 - 5pm
London Independent Photography and Photofusion will jointly host a Book, Zines and Prints Fair 

2 Beehive Place
Brixton, London

I would love to hear what you’ve achieved in the first two months of this year! If you’re a photographer with a project on the cusp of pushing it forwards then look no further than the EXPANSION programme. More info can be found here

Also, don’t forget that I am back to freelancing and would love to find some new clients in the charity sector. I am especially looking for Campaign work, or longer-term commissions that can help tell a story. If you know of anyone working in these fields please get in touch, or direct them to my website.

Wishing you love, luck and resilience for the year ahead!

Amanda x

P.S I still attend the Crouch End LIP group meetings fairly regularly despite not living nearby anymore. The group is made up of a great bunch of people, and their annual exhibition is coming up soon! Please find the flyer above. I’ll be there for the Private View if you are around.

Putting on a show: Shutter Hub Open

On the wall at Shutter Hub Open 2018

On the wall at Shutter Hub Open 2018

This year has been a roller-coaster for me, and by that I mean exhilarating.

I have visited four countries, fought and won my first boxing match, and moved home. I have not however written many blog posts, and I had the hunch that I haven’t taken many pictures in 2018, but I seem to be wrong.

When you are a photographer who participates in many other pursuits, both work-wise, and in their private lives, as well as having a young adult to keep track of, it can seem that there is no time for your first love and passion. I wonder if photography is such an integral part of my life, that I often don’t realise that somehow, it is always there?

I have produced a few small series of work this year, and got some cracking shots in Morocco that I plan to make available for purchase - an online store may be in sight!

The most recent show I had work selected for is the Shutter Hub Open. If you’re reading this as it’s published, you could see it for yourself as it ends tomorrow at 6pm.

It seems the organisers have even surprised themselves with the overwhelmingly positive reaction to the show - it really is their best yet!

Teaming up with Newspaper Club all of the images were printed onto newsprint paper. I was a little concerned with how the pictures might reproduce, but they looked fantastic!

The private view was held last Thursday, the same night Photo Month began across the east of the city, and formed part of Photomonth’s time-tabled events schedule.

Shutter Hub is a photography organisation offering opportunities, support, and net-working for their members. At their helm is a woman who does all she can to promote the work of the Shutter Hub community. I was really touched, as I was about to leave the Private View, when Karen Harvey thanked me for always getting involved, being encouraging and spreading the word. I told her it cuts both ways.

Pictures pop off the walls.

Pictures pop off the walls.

Having worked in photography for over two decades, I have seen it change from an industry of individuals, keeping their ideas and clients close to their chests, to an open forum for discussion and ideas sharing. Obviously that has a lot to do with the digital explosion, and a need to change, but it has opened up the floor to people like Karen who work tirelessly to keep us photographers on show.

Funny enough, I spoke to a photographer that I assisted for years in the editorial sector yesterday: he was always driven by money, and we used to have heated debates about politics. He asked me if I make any money from all these exhibitions I do, in the same way my Dad, or my ex-partner would. Ironically they are all Capricorns, but I digress! Do I make money? I don’t know, probably not, but you never know, in a round-about way.

I thought we were living in the times of ‘do what you love’? Well, I worked that out for myself at a young age, and despite the peaks and troughs over the years I know I made the right choice.

Long live Photography!

Two images from my Face Pack project were chosen for display: Super Fruits, and Flowers in her hair.

Two images from my Face Pack project were chosen for display: Super Fruits, and Flowers in her hair.

Simplicity in Execution: Paper and Tape.

Simplicity in Execution: Paper and Tape.

The show is being held at:

11 Dray Walk, Old Truman Brewery, London E1

Just off of Brick Lane

Open 11 - 6pm today and tomorrow, Tuesday 9th October