If you lived your life trying to observe every detail, understand every link and answer every question, I am pretty sure it wouldn’t take long to drive you barmy! I guess that’s where God helps out. It is so unimaginable to me that anyone or anything could make sense of the whole of the world: even writing that down makes it seem ridiculous.
So what about the mortals? We live in fast times, and never before has there been so much information presented to us, or accessible at the click of a button. We are slowly realising that we are not actually designed for this speed of adaptation, so what happens when we slow things down?
Picture yourself on holiday; maybe there you feel more connected to your surroundings; paying more attention to small details, like the way the fruits hang on a tree, or how the road signs differ from at home. You ponder more perhaps. Assuming the reader has regular vision, these ways of seeing are accessible at all times, to all people.
Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Through observing things more closely on my wanderings, it has become very apparent that there are traces of humans everywhere, and I find that fascinating. Whether it’s a fallen post that someone will undoubtedly have to retrieve, or a sign telling us that ducks are nearby; somebody, somewhere has made or needs to make a decision to bring these things into action or existence.
What happens next: Will the nettles die, will somebody cut them back, will the tyre perish over years or will somebody collect it as part of a mission to keep Britain tidy?
Quack Quack!