Through observing the places I have visited, and within my day-to-day life, I can conclude that I find England to be a somewhat messy place. Messy in the way it presents itself, and messy in the minds of it’s people. I am pretty sure that messiness is not unique to England, but I do think all places, from the local to the national have certain qualities that make them recognisable or typical, in and of themselves. It is this sense of place that I want to consider, both through the familiar, and also the largely overlooked elements of the spaces we encounter.
Eatwell's Explorations and Recitations - Part 1
Looking for inspiration: photographing Blackfriars, London
One person I did meet however was a lady selling coffee from a small van. It was a quiet time for her, as it was a chilly morning, just after rush hour, and the tourists weren’t out and about yet. She didn’t want to have her picture made, but she was glad of the company, and we struck up a conversation. We managed to talk about liquorice, love and relationships. She gave me a free coffee and she stood for a picture.